Updates The 2021 Annual Inspection It’s a rite of passage that every aircraft owner must go through; the dreaded annual inspection. How will she fare?
Updates Instrument Checkride Done! After months of training, practice, and several missteps and delays, I was finally able to successfully complete my instrument checkride!
Updates C-45 Low Pass It just never gets old. This old beauty came for a visit today! It may have not lasted very long, but it was quite thrilling!
Updates Test Edit of Multi-cam Video The Postal Service finally started delivering some of the ordered equipment this week, so I decided to try a little test. This was really just a test of the editing workflow.
Updates Thanks to the U.S. Postal Service... This weekend, I took a trip down to the coast of Georgia, but thanks to the postal service, I was unable to capture any video of the trip!
Updates My ADS-B Install is Finally Underway! ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast, and effective January 1, 2020, it was required for general aviation aircraft flying in most controlled airspace in the United States.
Updates It's Time for a New Start! Well, the time has finally come… BurnedOutGeek.com has undergone a complete overhaul, and this time, it’s gonna stick!
Updates What and Who are the Flying Foodies? Over the past few years, we have experienced some great adventures while hunting to satisfy the curiosities of our sense of adventure and our taste buds! We welcome you to join us!
Updates Engine Overhaul Complete That was the longest 10 weeks of my life, but the overhaul of my Cessna’s Continental powerplant is finally done! And it looks fantastic!
Updates The New 182 - It's Official! After months of looking and several weeks of negotiations, I have officially purchased and completed the paperwork on my “new to me” Cessna 182. She’s coming home!